Find the formation of natural landscapes


Landscapes are the visual characteristics of a physical area of land, their particular landforms, and how these relate to man-made or natural features. Landscape architecture is used to create physical structures such as walls and buildings, or to describe a set of physical features that are designed to accent the visual qualities of the landscape. Landscape architecture can be considered to be a form of art, and a way of expressing the relationship between the viewer and the landscape, and the creation of a landscape in a particular location. A well-designed landscape can create a soothing, beautiful outdoor environment. Visit website.


The formation of natural landscapes has been a part of human history since the dawn of recorded history, when people used natural landscapes to farm produce and store food. Since then, the visual aspects of a landscape have played a crucial role in how humans have interpreted and used it to enhance their lives and society. In modern times, the creation of new landscapes to replace ones that were destroyed or changed is often done for aesthetic or functional reasons. Urban sprawl has caused much of the creation of new landscapes to take on architectural and other forms that do not necessarily conform to societal needs, but which can enhance the look of the area in which they are built.


Organically Evolved Landscapes One type of naturally evolved landscape is the organic landscape, also called an ecosystem. These ecosystems tend to comprise of the remnants of ancient ecosystems that have been lost due to human interference. These remnants, also called biosphere reserves and biological preserves, consist of forests, grasslands, desert areas, parks and beaches. These organic landscapes may include the remnants of coral reefs created by a massive amount of global warming caused by the greenhouse effect, or they may include the remnants of ecosystems that have been affected by human land expansion in recent history.

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